Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Fall Out of Fall........

As I look around on the ground I can see evidence of many different trees losing their leaves.  The neighbors tree which is a block away has leaves that have blown down here and mixed with my maples, silver maples and birch.

When there are lots of leaves on the tree I don't see the curve shape of the trunk.  I know it is normal growth but this photo shows its true curve.  I am hoping the disease that hits this kind of tree stays away from our town.  They have finally declared Dallas County, our county, as one that has the ash borer beetle.  I earlier thought my ash had been hit but later found out that it was just the  droughts that was effecting it.

Just for fun of it I brought up my Indian corn from the basement.  I haven't put it out for decoration yet but it should go out very soon.  I think I have some fake sunflowers that could go out with it.  I really enjoy seeing this variety of corn and keep thinking I will plant some in the spring and grow my own.

I am really enjoying my fish tank.  I might pick up some smaller feeder fish for it to have the three different sizes in there.  At one time in my life I kept tropicals with my gold fish but I guess it isn't a good idea unless I keep a heater in the water to keep the tropical fish warm.

I am getting things figured out in taking photos of the fish.   I have to combat the large window behind the tank with all that light shinning behind the.  The back lighting makes the fish blur. I take a lot of photos for fun and throw a lot of them away. The mulitcolored rocks are complements of my younger son. He left a smaller tank with me years ago.   I used that tank but now  have moved the gravel to my big tank.  I bought the blue rocks to contribute to the cause so all the tank can be cover with rock.

I am on a new adventure today as I am in charge of the middle school office desk.  If things work out for me I will be here two more days.  So far I am doing good.  Taking down names of callers are hard because no one wants to pronounce their name clearly.  I make them spell it and that saves the day.  I will have down time as the kids are all in classes so  only between classes do I get some business to attend to.  I am collecting physicals from students to hand on to the next person who wants them. I can even blog while I sit here during the quiet times.   I hope the whole day goes well for me.  Thank you for stopping in to my blog spot today.  I wish you all well.

1 comment:

  1. Nice that you can work and blog at the same time! You still have flowers! Good to hear that you feel better this week! :)
