Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday All Day.........

A little bit of ice is coating everything this morning.  We escaped the snow that was predicted and it will get above freezing for the average temperature today.  I expect the ice will be gone by noon.

With a down turned shot you can see that I brought the angel in under the porch roof. It didn't get an ice coating and will make it to the basement soon. I need to get a new arrangement out there for Christmas.  Maybe that will happen today but I don't like to put things down in writing anymore.

As I was taking out the last of the garbage I notice that the ice has helped to make the leaves brighter and shiny.

The little house in the flower garden is an old ceramic one made by one of my students.  It would be nice to set up a little village of those houses in this garden. My luck I would set it on an area where a spring plant would want to sprout up from the ground.

One last shot of the last green thing growing out there.  It is a golden privet that I planted last year.  It is getting its roots established and should be much larger next year.

I was just thinking while blogging that it is almost time to start the Christmas decorating thing.  We will do it and enjoy it as each thing is put up in the house. I haven't mentioned this out loud to my wife yet so we will just see when the thought hits her also.

I mentioned that I need to straighten out the edge of my deck.  I can see that happening the next couple of days.  I can draw a straight line with a large square and cut the outstanding crooked edges. I now have a platform in which to work from now that puts me closer the the roof that needs to be built. With rain and snow the past few weeks I can see how I need to get this done as soon as the weather permits.

I hope everyone enjoys this Friday.  It really messes with my brain knowing which day of the week that it really is.  It will seem like a Saturday all day and then we will have another one tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

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