Saturday, November 28, 2015

Saturday Stuff........

Our air temperature didn't warm up enough to melt the ice off of my weather rocks.  The iron ore rock shows the shine of all the ice.  The Lake Superior round rock is too textured to show its shine.  The round one is not frozen down to the railing but the flatter rock is frozen solid. I guess I could take the round rock and hit the other one to break it loose.

The blurry bloom is in the room with the birds and aquarium.  I think that it is one of my more favorites so I didn't take it to the basement.  It started blooming more so I would keep it around for a while.

The rescued shelf hasn't been hung yet but it sits on the buffet now already collecting loose things. I am going to hang it on the wall behind it but things seem to not just happen that quickly.  Most of this needs to be put back into storage down below in the buffet.

I had to move a different tv into the kitchen so I moved containers out of there of loose change onto the dining room table. It is sorting time again.  I am treating the process like a picture puzzle and I will work at it different times of the day until it is done.  Eventually they will all be put into rolls and taken to the bank.  I don't know why we have so many nickels. I don't do this very often but it does all add up wants I get them ready to go to the bank.

 I found a marble among the change.  I don't remember where it found but I must have emptied my pockets with that in there. This is possibly one I found out in a loose gravel driveway.  It would be interesting to know the travels of this one old marble.

We ventured down to Wallymart yesterday to get a few groceries.  It was not as crazy in the afternoon as I bet it was in the morning.  Yet, crowds that are larger than normal provides the opportunity to see more strange or irritating people.  One man was on his cell phone, a youngster compared to me, who was yelling into his cell phone as he traveled through the store. He is one of those that thinks he has to talk very loud if the person is far away from him.  Other people like to hover in areas and have family conversations blocking whole aisles.  We were glad to leave the store as soon as we could.

I take a shot and don't even bother to deadhead the plant.  I am getting senile. It is the only one that I have blooming right now.  I guess I need to slow down to take photos.  No plans for today.  I have things in the back of my mind that I can think of to do but I am just going to take thinks as they appear.  I hope the weather isn't too bad in your area today.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. A very pretty geranium -- I can see why you'd want to keep it around. Love the old marble -- we have found them (along with china doll legs) on the edge of one of our fields, evidently where kids used to play.

    I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

  2. Funny I was doing the change thing today rolling them up, for got to count how much I had. We are getting just rain and no ice.

  3. I agree with you about the big stores. Try not to ever go in them!

  4. What a lovely colored Geranium, they are the hardiest little plants, I have one on the porch that has just bloomed new flowers this very week.....November and blooming it's little heart out.
    Hope the weather warms back up for you, it makes Christmas decorating hard in the icy weather !

  5. My husband has a jar that automatically counts his change:) Fun to watch it grow, sometimes I even share my change. Ice is bad, hope yours melts. We are suppose to warm up this week to above freezing during the day:)
