Saturday, November 14, 2015

Saturday's Tales........

While in the basement looking for a few things I find some other things.  The pottery is one that I made years ago.  I have a lot of it stored on shelves in the basement.  The Christmas goose once was a tree ornament.  How it go mixed in with the catch all counter I really don't know.  I have had it for years and bought it at a craft show sometime in my forgotten past.

The mousetrap is a mystery to me.  I do have the bottom of a kitchen klatter piece down there which came into the house with things in it. I know stuff was in there but I think this came from my Dad's garage in Osceola.  It is something I must have thrown in to bring home because of its unusual construction.  The trap could have come from the old house that my dad tore down 40 years ago.  The trap has made in Tiawan printed on it and the wood is not a wood from this country. It looks like a forest wood from that island. The trap has never been used or I wouldn't be handling it.

The morning glory vine next to the house is done.  I should get the vine disconnected from the pot with soil that it was growing out of and put the pot in the basement.  I haven't collected seeds from this vine but I did get a lot of seeds off of the vines on the garden shed.

I like how the background shows the blue gate on the east of the house and also the birdfeeder that is in the dining room window.

This is a small maple leaf laying out among the brown and dead leaves.  I really don't know what tree this comes from unless it is from across the street.  We have so many different maple trees out there.  I see that the red maple tree of mine that has the red X mark is still standing.

I hope everyone has a great day today.  We won't be fighting any bad weather so that makes it a good day.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We had our first frost last night. All of the flowers still look good.

  2. It was a nice day today almost 55 F but we will go downhill from now on. Had a nice walk in the woods and now for a movie I can nap through:)
