Sunday, November 15, 2015

Slow Sunday Afternoon......

The river birch has colorful bark that sheds all year round.  I bought it by mistake years ago thinking it was a clump birch.  I got a good specimen tree.

I cut this rose and brought it into the house.  I delayed doing so for so long as I didn't have anything around to use for the cut.  With the clippers in my pocket on Saturday I was able to get it done.  I did get the long stems of the William Baffin a climber arranged among a couple of steel posts next to the garden shed.  I don't have cords on it yet but they seem to be holding their own right now.  I have the rest of the season to get out there and tie them.

This is a second photo of the silver maple that I captured last week at sun setting time.  I see that I now have red "X" marks on my two silver maples that are along the new ditch road.  I don't know if I am glad or mad about that.  I will get them down for free and that is a lot of money for us to save.  Taking down them and the red maple seems harsh but I live in a small town.  That said is all I have to say.  I do think we will move away from this kind of thing when the time comes.

We are having a quiet afternoon at home and waiting for some of our Sunday tv shows to begin. I am watching a gardening show right now about the grounds that the British aristocracy own.  They are trying to save every tree that they can.    Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I love the River Birch with it's peeling brother has one of those on his riverfront property.

    Too bad about the ones that the city will take down.....I just can't get enough of the silver maples.

    Forgot to tell you the other day....I like the new gate with it's curved top. Wish my husband could still do woodwork !

  2. That birch tree really does have shaggy bark!

  3. Are they going to cut them down or just trim them? Seems a bit harsh...especially of they are not causing a visibility problem or are in the way of power lines. Call the Mayor! Your River Birch is stunning with it's exfoliating bark. I tried to grow one once but it died here in the north:(
