Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Starting off on Tuesday........

Two burning bushes that always behave differently from each other.  Both were planted at exactly the same time but the one on the right seems to skip the normal process of red leaves developing then they fall.  It tends to be less red each year and sometimes is pinkish in color.  I am thinking it is the differences of conditon of the soil in which they are planted.  The redder bush is actually planted on an old gravel driveway bed.  There may be minerals from the limestone that makes it grow better.

I will be working on my new gate project today.  Storms are predicted tomorrow starting in early morning.  It is just going to continue to be cold from now on so I can work out on the patio with a winter coat on and sunshine in my face.

My ornamental pear tree is putting out great color this year.  The leaves seem to be hanging on for a longer time than most of the trees.  The real pear tree that has pears is the yellow tree in the background.

The ornamental choke cherry is not bright red this year.  Normally people ask me about it as it puts out great color but this year the leaves are a brown plum color.  I guess the lack of rain at the end of the season made it do this.  Most of its leaves are also still on the tree.

This sedum is actually laying on the ground. This photo proves we have not had a hard freeze.  I did notice though that all the colorful leaves are now all brown because of the colder temperatures. Some insect enjoyed eating some on that one leaf.

The mysteries of things makes me wonder why this post is on the edge of my neighbor's property.  I don't know that it was cut off but maybe it was the corner post for a fence.  Rather than dig it they must have cut it off. It is leaning and it continues to age.  That property is still for sale even though many people have looked at the house. It is too big of house for an older couple and probably two old of a house for young people.  I do remember a single farm women who retired off of the farm who moved in there.  She had lots of antique things so the big house suited her.  She passed away many years ago.

I picked up a book on Collectibles at the bookstore last Saturday.  It was a book showing how people had incorporated their collections into the house.  One of the examples was a person who collected all fruit and vegetables "salt and pepper" shakers.  They lacked having these watermelon head shakers that were my mom's.   I learned about a new Christmas ornament in the book.  I had never heard of the Kobel Christmas ornament made in Germany.  I have never seen them anywhere so I am sure I can never collect them.  It was glass blown ornaments in shapes of grapes and striated grooved ball shapes. One unusual item that was collected was a gruel pan that was used by nurses soley to feed very sick or crazy people.

I am home today.  Projects will be started and I hope some can be finished. I have leaves to deal with but I don't get too nervous about it.  If I have enough of them mulched the rest can go away under the snow in the winter.  I appreciate your stopping by today.  


  1. I will have to look up the Kobel Christmas ornaments and have a look see! Those are some cute salt and pepper shakers. Good Luck with your projects:)

  2. Hi Larry, your fall colors look wonderful. This is my favorite time of year because of the colors and cooler temps, which have been a bit elusive in many areas. We spent last week on the VA eastern shore and the leaves are slower to turn there and also the temperatures were very warm with near 80 degrees one day and 70s most other days. No chance of things freezing there for quite awhile. Hope the angel lady and garden gnome have a nice winter in your basement.
