Monday, November 9, 2015

Another Monday to Tackle........

Angel woman collects leaves this time of the year.  I have to watch my timing and bring her in before it snows. She tends to build up ice underneath at the base and freezes down.  She has spent the winter out before but I have plenty of room in the basement to keep her safe and warm.

The leaves next to the backdoor are giving me a nice show.  I will pull the vine down after the leaves all fall off of it. The vine on the windmill is a wild grapevine but this one I never quite figured out.  Someone suggested it was poison ivy but no the leaves are too large for that. I did not get infected from it as I pass it many times a day with Button going out and in the house.


Button has decided in his old age that he can't climb these stairs.  I placed an extension on the step so the bottom step would be wider.  He could do it as he still jumps up on the couch.  The extension board does help Barney as he has more room for his stiff back legs to project is weight.  When Button is  16 or 17 years old he deserve people lifting him up the stairs.  I believe it is probably the eyesight that is the problem.  Night or day any weather we go out and lift him to the top step.  He appreciates it very much. The rug is there in case he decides to go down the stair by himself.  He likes to jump the two steps to the concrete patio.

The barberry is looking more colorful now.  I like the colors that it changes to before they drop off.  Birds have not eaten any of the seed pods yet but I bet they will once it starts to snow.

In the backyard the birdhouse hangs all alone now with the background of leaves dropping over it.

I am in the special education room today.  I am thinking that it will be my only day of work this week as it is parent teachers conference week.  I don't expect any more work unless there is a family emergency with one of the staff. I had a hard time starting up today on this Monday morning,  I have my second cup of coffee now that I am school so maybe I will just make it.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. A second cup of coffee is appreciated on some mornings! I love seeing little Button. It was in the 40's this a.m. Yesterday we noticed the blue birds eating berries from our bushes. Hope your week goes well.

  2. Love seeing your pictures Larry, Autumn is showing it's splendid colors around your garden.
    We had an old Yorkshire Terrier who in his later years developed a crooked spine, he would be walking through the yard on his front legs, his back legs would completely lift in the air....
    I do hope Button can manage the steps with your help.
    Have a wonderful Monday in your schoolroom, a rainy one here !

  3. Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) I think that is your vine. PI has only three leaves! I know this!! Leaves of three let it be!
    Your gate will look different. I bet you will be working on it this week. I had a cup of coffee first in awhile casue it raises trouble with my blood pressure:(
