Monday, November 30, 2015

The Last of November........

The drab and the dormant is all that is left out there.  Snow would probably make it look better. The ice on the stairs keeps us careful as we carry Button down the stairs.  His soft fur soaks in a lot of water when he goes out in a rain or even in a sprinkle.

Outside looking in shows the glow of the light on the kitchen counter. Not much really can be identified in the photo but it is the mood that counts anyway.

I seem to be low in photos as we transcend through this crappy weather.  Nothing too much is peaking my interest so I have not taken any new shots.  I must do something for tomorrow or I will be a photoless blog.

The box is a cool looking one as it used to hold these angels.  Now it holds the ornaments that go on the angel tree.  Our intentions were good but the tree sits on the floor and only one of the three boxes are downstairs ready to be hung.  Maybe after school it will happen. As I look out the window right now it is not very bright.  We are promised lots of weather but they have not hit the accurate prediction for about two days.

I am a librarian today and should be one for the rest of the week.  We will see if my schedule changes at any time. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Things here look drooping and very wet, still raining.

  2. We have snow since about 2PM. Have fun in the library! Be careful if it is icy! :)

  3. My yard used to also be so drab and dun this time of year, but the crabapples are doing great and the berries are like little ornaments. The grass is still green so it's not too bad right now. Hope you find some good pics for tomorrow.
