Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Toodle through Tuesday.......

This is the time of the year when everyone goes bananas over all the things that need to be done.  It is only the first of December so the heart rate doesn't have to beat rapidly at this point.  I do plan on pacing myself and just work at it a job at a time.

Coffee can ease the tension and it will remind me that one must sit down and rest.  I am looking forward to the feeders being filled with birds again and I can just drink coffee and watch.  The other side of that I will be busy snapping shots.

On of my favorite bargain mugs sits in a fancy saucer.  What that is all about I don't know but it is an archived photo. I like how the artist has coffee beans floating down from the sky.

We miss our yellow kitty a lot.  She has been gone for quite a few years but we think of her antics every once in a while.  She would crawl up the ladder on the garden shed and then pretended she couldn't get down.  When I would try to help her she would jump off the roof onto the ground fearlessly.

I placed my one found marble into my collection jar yesterday.  I am not a fanatic collector but am always on the look out for a spare sphere.  A science teacher keeps an antique collection in his drawer for science experiments.  He has some of those large shooter marbles.  I always admire them  but "thou shall not steal." I remember having a few of the larger marbles as a kid but after my parents moved three different times from the farm they tended to get thinned out and totally are gone. I did find quite a few loose ones in the tinkertoy box when I was last closing their house down for good.

I am back in the library today. I learn something new each day about the computer program each day.  I learned to bypass a lot of problems when logging in by just not completely logging out.  It is easier to just put in two passwords rather than doing four different process to log in.  No one is going to get anywhere over night and steal books with out passwords anyway.  

No rain right now and the weather continues to be not forecasted incorrectly.  I really don't know if we will get snow tonight or not.  It is hovering around the freezing temperature and not changing much.  I hope everyone is doing good out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. No going bananas here, one day at a time. Today is a Hockey Game 33 miles away and it is snowing, waiting to hear if it has been cancelled! I love your marbles they are great! I would like a library job:)

  2. I miss your Yellow Kitty too. Many of us have been blog friends so long that we become attached to one another's pets, also. We will miss Harriet and Ditto this Christmas, for sure.
    I always enjoy your coffee mugs. With our weather colder, the coffee is tasting very good. We've had moderate rain all day today. Kind of dreary...a cat napping kind of day!
    I love your marbles and remember playing with them on the steps of my childhood house.

  3. We have not had freezing yet, with all this rain that would have been bad.
    It has stopped after 4 days.
    Hope your afternoon is restful.

  4. I like the thread of yellow running through your photos!

  5. Glad to learn you did not lose all your marbles, Larry. *heh* I, too, fondly remember just such treasures from my childhood. Back when bandaids came in metal boxes, we would put marbles, pennies, and other trinkets inside, then bury them out in the yard and adjacent fields, making maps as we went. I remember how we never ever found any of them when we went looking. Poor cartography no doubt. LOL Often wonder if they were ever found over the years during the subsequent constuction/remodeling of the old neighborhood. Like to think so.
