Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday's Wee Post......

The snow is melting and is almost gone.  We still have bleak looking days as it is the normal for this time of the year.

The vine is now gone for fall but I am sure it will be back next spring.  The wild vines do survive Iowa winters easily. We are have sunshine right now but we are promised rain and snow mixture by tomorrow afternoon.  No big plans for Thanksgiving this year but I do hope everyone has a great Big T day.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wishing you and Della a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. I always enjoy your photographs. We send our best wishes to you both for an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day. We are experiencing cloudy weather, also. Oddly, today we looked out and saw a new bloom on the Stella daylily!
    Such a pleasure to know you both and share a blog friendship.
