Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday's Sharing Time......

I like finding patterns in the things that I see.  This one has very little important features but the overlapping lines are interesting to see.  The cyclamen that usually blooms on the trellis took a break from that this here.  I had a mediocre vine and no blooms.  The snow was melting yesterday and will be again today.  We have a muddy ground underneath the snow as we haven't frozen hard yet for any long period of time.

The new starts of the iris have done well as they have leaves still projecting from the snow.

This is just the beginning of the long winter.  These leaves will be withering soon and all will be flat.  The whole scene is in transition as we are not completely into the season.  It would have been nice to have the summer last a whole lot longer.

The lazy man scooping process as I only did one shovel width.  It did warm up so that the energy I saved worked out well for me.  Blue paint is waiting to be put on the new gate when it is warm enough.  The wood was so wet from the process that it went through to get it to be waterproofed.  It takes a while for the wood  to dry out even while it is stacked together for a long time.

The neighbors put in a backyard fence for their two dogs but once in a while they do hit the street with them.  They are like our Barney and really love walking the town.

I am Larrian the librarian today.  It is not a tough job and yet the kids are a little excited about the break.  They have study hall in the library so I am not just tending books but students of all ages. I just sent a half dozen of them to the cocoa and coffee shop to help them wind down a little.  I have a pot of coffee made in the lounge and we all will count down the periods until we get out of here.  I hope everyone is well out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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