Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cloudy Day Today.........

The transplanted hosta has done well in this spot.  Next spring it will be able to revive in the yard. It had a rough summer with road construction and now that is all done.  Nothing left to do but wait for the sown grass to sprout.

Another small transplant is holding its own.  The new mum is growing below right in the photo.

The light sky and yellow tree makes the red look brighter. We can see this burning bush from upstairs and it really is a bright spot on the property.  Almost all of it has now turned red.

My wife and I were watching a squirrel chomping down an old apple while sitting in a tree.  I have decided to put apples on my feeders where I usually put ear corn.  Angel person is sitting close enough to the back door that he can be brought in when the snow starts to fly. This isn't a great looking set up but it is the best I could do while on the run in the rat race.

I mowed parts of the yard yesterday to chop up some of the leaves. The birch leaves are all down and the red maple has just a few small leaves hanging on the branches.  The silver  maples will keep dropping but I can go back and catch them in another week or so.  I found out when I was mowing that the grass had really grown the past week.  We had enough rains to revive it so it was hard pushing through the thick grass and leaves.  It did mulch things up well.  It will be raining this afternoon so I won't be doing any more work like that for a while.

One of the flowering shrubs next to the house is putting out great leaf color this fall. I usually don't notice this kind of shrub having its leaves change.  Generally they just turn a bright yellow and then fall off in a short period of time.

I am in the Agricultural department classroom again today.  I am only half day and that will be good for me.  I do work again tomorrow all day so maybe I can get some more chores done at home.  If it doesn't rain I do have a list of things to do outside.

Thank you all for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Our squirrels are real busy will probably snow later today. Hope you get all your outside work done before you get snow:)
