Friday, November 6, 2015

The Friday Zone..........

A late bloomer put out a lot more blossoms than I expected.  I had photographed one bloom on it earlier but to see this many was a surprise. Most of the phlox are long gone but I have noticed some things out there sneaking in a last bloom. I saw a dandelion and a violet blooming yesterday afternoon but when I returned with a camera I could not remember where I had seen them.  You will just have to take my word on it.

During a normal season the field lilies die down and the sure don't come back again.  We had a good rain weeks ago and it is just like spring again with all that green.

My leaves will stay as mulch.  I did mow up some of the leaves so the little dog can walk around in the back yard.  He was overwhelmed with too many leaves and couldn't walk but had to creep.

This yellow zinnia continues to develop rich color and texture.  It is the weather that forms the fall zinnia.

I am at school today in the special education room.  I do many things getting kids to understand their homework or preparing for government test.  We are sunny and cold today.  I hope all are well.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I sure am going to miss my garden, just have to look at your year round.
