Thursday, November 19, 2015


It is a little out of focus as the light was getting low.  I was outside working on a small deck project. I looked across the way and my white shadow friend was back watching me work.  She sits on the old blue door which is to be burned eventually.

Another view of the project I shared yesterday.  The deck has a purpose as I will be building an extension on the porch roof above.  I need to put a corner post on it and then build in a three foot wide roof section.  It will help make the water coming off the valley above drain away from the house better.

I did get my five boards cut into ten pieces and the deck is covered. Nothing is nailed down as I have some corrections to make.  I am short the width of one 2 by 4 that will fit next to the house. I will need to buy that or cut it from the waste I had from the five boards.  It was cold and I was making some length cutting errors. Being cold and dark didn't help any with the process.   On a warmer day I can recut some of them and then I will nail them into place.

We ran some errands after school so I had only a 30 minute window to get the boards cut.  So, I didn't get any new photos shot.  I need some down time to do that and I was wanting to get that wood on the deck area before it snowed.

Fall leaves like this are mostly all gone now.  A few stray leaves do hang on but mostly all are down.  I think we had a freeze so it will start to take down everything that looks green.

I am back into the Science room today as the teacher has the flu he caught from his grandkids.  I may be in here again tomorrow.  I am hearing that the flu is hitting in many parts of the United States.  We had our shots on Tuesday evening and we had to wait in line to get them at the Medicap Pharmacy.  I hope we got them soon enough.

I will shut this down for today.  Snow is promised for Friday.  Thanks for checking in on my post today,


  1. Lots of work to do before the snow. I hope it want be much and will melt fast.

  2. That is quite a project you started! I heard it takes four weeks to get an immunity after the flu shot, keep washing your hands!! We got snow, so I bet it is colder at your house:(
