Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday's Final Finish..........

Apparently there is a ginkgo tree in the neighborhood.  I have not seen one but the leaves are blowing into my north side of my property. I thought I knew all of the trees in the neighborhood but here is a new one for me.  With the wind blowing as hard as it has blown it may be coming from blocks away from where I live.

It was cold, the wind was blowing, and I had many layers of clothing on, so I pulled seedling geraniums.  They were put in paper bags for storage. I will put them in the basement.

I had one of my three burning bushes die back.  It did sprout back and this little shrub is what it looks like now. The two large bushes are now bare but this little guy still has its leaves.

The arrangement is a set up but these leaves are all scattered out in my yard.  Most of them are coming from my ornamental pear tree.  You can see the ginko tree leaves at the top of the photo.  I did not get all my leaves cleared before the first snow which is coming today.  But I have seen days warm up after a snow and I have the hope that I can get to them later. All these leaves are pressed in a book for later enjoyment.

When I subbed long term for a science teacher last year, I pressed leaves and taped them on the wall of the science room.  They are still there from last year and the instructor has brought in more for this year.

I have decided to take the boards to the basement, two at a time and trim them off to be even.  It was cold and it got to dark to get them all even. I have a miter saw set up down there and with 5 trips carrying two boards to get them evened up better.

The new wood looks really great but it certainly will not be the same color as the old ones that have weathered the past 25 years.  To finish this project, it will have to be a warm day, off and on, until I get that roof completed above it.

I grabbed a shot of this while out looking for interesting things to shoot.  The antique stuff is headed to the inside of the shed.  The flower box is what I grew my morning glories in next to the apple tree. Someday I will put a new handle in the antique pitch fork.  For now it is easier to store without a handle.

From this shot, you can see we haven't had any snow yet.  Supposedly that will change this afternoon as it creeps down from the north country.  Our temperatures are raising right now but when the cold air comes in there will be snow. I took my snow shovel out of the garden shed and placed it on my side porch.  I am hoping that it will keep the snow from happening. Not!!!!!!

I am in the Fresh-Soph English classrooms today.  It will be a busy day with lots of students filled with lots of energy.   Most students are hoping that school will be out early today because of the incoming snow storm but right now it is not snowing.

I appreciate your stopping by today. 


  1. I know you are glad it's Friday, but you did get your work in, looks good.

  2. Your extended deck looks good. We've got a small Gingko tree in the garden here.

  3. I think ginkgo leaves are really pretty. I see you're finishing up projects before winter really stays. Have a good weekend.

  4. Yes you have a Ginko Tree in your neighborhood!! Your deck is coming along! :)
