Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday's Things and Stuff.............

The silver maple is usually yellow at this time of the year.  It does look yellow but the sun shining through the leaves helps to make it look better than it really is.  You can see the subtle brown of the leaves is predominate. I was out on the new old time and it was later so the sun was shining and making a lot of things a lot better.

It is a very old tree and is becoming dangerous at this stage.  Large limbs can fall at the slightest wind storm.  Winters can be hard on them as snow does build up some on the branches to give them weight. The dead branches of the tree fall throughout all four seasons and a I go around and pick them up for burning. I was comparing the two shots and this one looks like a different tree but it is not.  I am on the west side of it with the sun to my back.

The frost is stopping the natural things of summer.  This is the natural thing of fall as flowers fail in the cold air. The heavenly blue glory turns into a red  blob when it is totally withdrawn and shriveled.

A hardy geranium survives my lack of attention.  The foliage on one of my geraniums is changing its leaves in color as if it were a tree change to fall colors.  I guess it is getting too cold at night.

I need to harvest the seeds soon before the plant decides to drop them.  I should carry something with me when I walk around with the camera so I don't miss out getting them inside.

I am the sub for the band instructor today.  He has a movie that he wants me to show that has music in it that all the bands are playing. It is a creative cartoon-like movie so they might be interested in seeing it.  It will be an easy sell for sure.  I hope everyone is well. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I love to see the trees as they change, next the dull gray of winter will take over.
    Hope all is well with you both.
