Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday's Menu.........

We had a rough Sunday as we lost one of our pets.  Jack Sparrow was the first male cockatiel that we owned.  He was given to me by a student because his mother had him and a female in their bathroom.  Mother of the student wanted them gone and was giving them away immediately. They were throwing seed halls all over the floor.  I kept them in my art class room at first and would bring them home in the summers.  I do think he was over 15 years old but he should have lived a whole lot longer.

He did have two batches of birds with three in the first batch and two in the second batch.  I remove the nest after having 7 cockatiels at one time.  Jack Sparrow lost his mate a year ago and he was really upset about it.  I had to put him in the cage with three of his offspring in which calmed him down. He was the one bird that had a really Jack Sparrow attitude.  He would come to the feeders while we were filling them and look us in the face.  Sometimes he made pleasant sounds at us or just glared.  Sometime he would scold us just for the heck of it.

I know that it is just a bird but one does get attached to a bird and all of his antics.  He was the lead vocalists when things were not right according to him. Squawking warning sounds to people or animals as the passed by the window was his favorite job.  I always feel so helpless when I protect them as much as I can and I still lose them.  As birds go, he was a great bird.

With the mention of looking out the window the dining room window shows that most leaves are now down.  I took this a few days ago.  I know the regular followers have seen this scene many times with birds at the feeder and with snow on the ground.  I have yet to rake a leaf or mulch a batch of leaves. I must start this week as we are promised warmer weather most of the week.

Nature set up the great looking shot with all the leaves of the lily and all the other items that fell from the trees.  I was surprised to see the bloom but can see there are more buds to open.

I am in the middle school science room today.  It will be a good situation all day.   I really like working in the room.  We watched a movie together about predator sea life.  Big fish eating small fish all the way down to the eating of algae.

Thank you for stopping by today.  I hope everyone is doing okay.


  1. I am so sorry to hear of Jack Sparrows death, I know he was special to you. Pets are important to us no matter if they are birds, cats or dogs... my sympathy:(

  2. Sorry you lost Jack Sparrow, they are so much part of the family.
    Hoping you have a good week at school.
