Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day.......

The night was lighted with a full moon and the moisture in the air seemed like a fog on the ground. Hoar frost seemed to develop and we woke to a beautiful Christmas morning. We tried to sleep in but the little dog knows when it is time to get up.  He doesn't like the sleeping in part as he has to go outside and then go back to the couch to start his nap.

The hoar frost made the lilac and apple tree of the neighbors seem like they had been  sprayed with a coating of ice crystals.

The snow we received the day before was a remarkable amount.  It is still with us.  I cleared the car off twice from all the snow yesterday.  Today it is just a great looking white Christmas day.  We just talked to our son who lives in Maine and they are not wearing coats today.  It is like 58 degrees F.  and there is no snow on the east coast.

The birds are hitting the feeder today.  When I took this shot I was thinking there was only one junco on the feeder but I see now that it had company. I have shots of a pair of cardinals but I need to save them for a share on another day.

We have had a turkey dinner with all the fixings today and will have mince pie for supper.  It is a quiet day but a very pleasant one to be at home and well fed.

I trust everyone has celebrated this day in their own unique way. I wish you all a great weekend and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your snow is very pretty. Cute that Button won't let you sleep in! Your lunch sounds very tasty and I know you will enjoy the mince pie. We are warm here but have had about 6 inches of rain and heavy thunder; thankfully now wind like most of the SE. We had roast, potatoes, carrots for lunch with coconut pie for dessert. The rain has made it a quiet day on our street. Blessings to you this Christmas evening.

  2. What a wonderful wintry scene you posted, Larry, and you did have a White Christmas unlike the one so many of us did not have this year. The turkey dinner and mincemeat pie dessert sounded like a perfect holiday meal and staying inside being well fed and warm is great! No snow for us in NH and that was OK as we soent the holiday traveling to visit family in CT and RI. Thanks for all your posts this past year. i may not comment on all, but do enjoy reading them. A belated Merry Christmas to you & yours and best wishes for a Happy New Year for all of us.

  3. It is very pretty at your place! Merry Christmas! :)

  4. I am jealous of your White Christmas. We're having a very Wet Christmas. I don't think we've had a single white Christmas the entire time I've lived in Washington.... a few decades now, but rainy and cold is very traditional for us.

    Your view is beautiful and the birds seem to appreciate your generous feeders. Your juncos are different looking than ours, but then we're West Coast and your far east.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and your family !

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family !
