Thursday, December 24, 2015

Peaceful Times.....

It is getting close to the time when we can just relax and enjoy Christmas day.  Our shopping is done.  We came home through drenching rains that turned into hail, then snow.  Our Wednesday ended with a coating of light snow on everything and ice spots everywhere.

We will try to go in for church this evening if the weather doesn't get to be too bad.  We have had to stay home in some years so we will be in the wait and see mode.  My wife's village churches will all be lit up this evening for Christmas eve.

We usually have a snack-like meal after Christmas eve service.  Crackers and cheese, sausage, egg nog and maybe a sample of the Christmas day pie.  Crab dip has become traditionally served also with our crackers.  We did find some at the store yesterday.

A lot of last minute wrapping will go on today and my wife bakes a pie. If plans hold out our kids from Chicago area will be out for Saturday and Sunday.  We will find out if we can pick up the grandchild as he has grown so much the past year.  We are getting excited for the reunion.

I wish you all a great Christmas eve as we ready ourselves for tomorrow. I hope a peace will come over your home and the entire day tomorrow will be filled with good health and happiness. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful pictures. I hope your weather will improve. We are experiencing heavy rain and thunder here. I look forward to seeing updated photos of AJ. May the Lord richly bless you both this Christmas and in the New Year! Mildred and John

  2. Merry Christmas will be peaceful at our home. So glad you will get to see your grandson. Have a fun day!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family !!
