Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I Am Back.......

I know that you probably didn't miss me.  Our internet was giving us lots of problems.  My wife tried to pay a bill online and things were not right.  I tried to get on my old school laptop and nothing was opening.  We messed with things by unplugging our airport and restarting it. Nothing seemed to be working and I kept saying it is our local phone company's fault.

I finally called the company and they sent me to a tech help line.  They were not in the same town as our supplier.  The did say to always unplug the the airport, don't use the on and off switch. They didn't really help us out.  Maybe they call the town where the net is supplied though.   Finally around 11 in the morning my wife's old mac was starting to respond but my laptop was not.  My laptop is a very old one that is loaned to me from school and it has all sorts of filters to keep everybody off of places that are inappropriate.  So the internet is filtered through the school and other areas before the computer is allowed to work.  About another hour after the internet was working for my wife, the school tech guy must have gotten out of bed and decided to reset the school server.   I am back.

This isn't a completed porch extension but that which I have done is doing its job.  The ice coming off the roof would have been coming off of the house roof and draining down the side of my house. The new roof is working. This next spring I will finish it up and match everything together so it won't be noticeable that they were ever two different parts.

Eave troughs will stop this kind of thing also, or at least slow it down.  The ice is actually from the runoff of the melting of the past snow storm, not the present one. The neighboring old model T garage is in the background.  I am glad to say the new neighbors have moved into the big yellow house.  They have two dogs.

My other neighbor to the north is so good to his dogs.  It is very cold and we are having a break in the snowstorm when he walked by yesterday with the dogs.  Today the same guy came over and snow blowed open my sidewalk.  It has stop snowing now but it is blowing around.  We were in the area that got 6 to 10 inches of snow and ice crystals.  Snow bound in for two days now and I really am not complaining. I may go get the mail uptown later today.

I snapped this photo of the side of my back stairs.  I liked the geometric shapes of the structure that I had built.  The funny thing is the creeping Charlie is still alive and well as seen in the photo. You can't kill it very easily.

I was also having trouble with my wife's camera today.  I had messed up the settings by mistake while changing the batteries.  I took shots and then had to go back and retake them again when I discovered the stupid thing that I had done.  The juncos like the nijer seed that I blended in with the other seed. The juncos and sparrows were piling on causing the supply to go down quickly.

I also was taking photos away from the house at the feeder. The cardinal is not lighted well as he sits on the middle floor of the feeder.

Another day inside and I still am busy.  The clearing of the snow for the smallest dog went on every hour yesterday.  Today it is settled a little and Button doesn't mind walking on top of it.

I kept getting chilled from being out there scooping even though I dressed with a lot of clothes.  It is nice that it has stopped for now.  A little snow, an inch, is suppose to be coming tomorrow.

I am glad that I am now online again and thanks for waiting for my blog.


  1. Well I am glad you got back on line, We have been doing good sense they rewired the out side box. We keep losing our wireless.
    You are sure in to winter now.

  2. You were missed! Sorry about the computer problems. It is frustrating, especially on a snowed-in day, I am sure. How kind of the guy to blow your sidewalk. I bet Barney and Button have checked out the two new neighbor dogs!! So happy you got the roof to do what you wanted. I enjoy your bird photos. Hope you stay warm and enjoy a little down time at home.

  3. Isn't it frustrating when something you can't control or don't understand prevents your computer from hooking up!

  4. Our Juncos never go to the feeders. funny I only see them on the ground:) Glad you are back online, I find it frustrating when things don't work that we pay for:)
