Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday Morning.........

The squirrels have gleaned every last apple.  There was one squirrel still looking around while I was out there. I think they are all gone.  They seemed to like the shriveled up apples as I saw them carrying them away the past month. This view of this apple tree bothers me as I see I really need to get it pruned back. This is a good time but it is too cold for now.

The sparrows are hungry a couple of days ago.  They seem to fly in large groups.  One group eats while the other half of the batch waits.  The are a nervous bird and they fly away at the sound or sight of anything threatening. The next half will fly in right away to take their place.

 Out of the first three movies, we have seen the first one.  That first one, number 4, was made in and released in 1977. I hope that they improve in quality as the years move on through the next two. I was only 27 years old at the time.  That was a long time ago and another lifetime.

 The snow on the hill doesn't melt while sitting in the dining room. We didn't get the village up until late so it will stay up probably through January.  We haven't added to the village for quite a few years.  Our oldest son picked up the barn and another house at a garage sale for his mom a few years back.

It is a nice place to visit and you don't have to put on your winter coat to be there. We put it all together in a three day period.  Getting the boxes up from the basement was step one.  Step two included my wife getting the snow down and buildings arranged.  One more session involve myself getting the lights inserted into the buildings.

The gifts for our Chicago area kids are now packed into bags readied for the visit.  We won't know for sure when they all will be healed up and now the weather is going to prevent driving for a while.

We are getting our snow today.  The amount will be at least 6 inches but I am certain it will be a great amount.  I had Button and Barney out at 6 in the morning and we already had a coating of sleet everywhere.  It was snowing an hour later.  We have no reason to go anywhere so we will have our own snow day today.

No work for me for the whole week so it would be nice if we could get out sometime this week.  Iowa is use to have mild winters and then some years harsh winters.  Harsh winters are actually the norm here so we don't really complain.

I wish everyone to have a great day today.  Thank you for stopping by for a visit.


  1. Lovely village and your pictures of birds and snow are so nice. I especially like the sled with the wreath. Our unnaturally warm weather is supposed to end Thursday -- we'll see.

  2. The first home John and I lived in, the neighbor had apple trees. It was always funny to see a squirrel sitting on the fence holding an apple and eating it!
    Glad that you two don't have to get out in the weather. I would just enjoy all the pretty decorations and bird watching if I were you.
    Mother sure loved her little ceramic village. Everywhere we went, we would look for "people" to go in the village!
    As for Star Wars, I remember taking Karen's kids when they were just little. As you say, that seems like a lifetime ago now.

  3. Our neighbor has apple trees, he planted them to attract deer.....
    They eat our shrubs instead :)
    I have a little ceramic Dickens village, it looks so warm and cozy inside those little lit windows.
    No snow here, just rain, wind and more rain, stay warm inside !

  4. I remember seeing Star must have been in the theater but I don't recall where.
    I hope you get to visit your Grand and the weather cooperates, I know you were looking forward to seeing him.
    We didn't get any new snow. That is just fine with me as shoveling is slow the past week.
    Hope you enjoy your week off:)
