Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Lights Warm.......

It is very cold outside now and the warmth of Christmas lights makes it feel better inside. Our wing back chair sits closer to the tree this year as it fit there better than anywhere else.  We move furniture around for the tree each year but the easiest fix was not to move couches and just place the blue chair right here.

Caboose has always been my favorite car on the train.  While watching trains go by at the crossing in Murray,  it was a pleasure to see the train to finally get pass and also to see the structure of the car.  The only way the guy in the back can see the train is to poke his head out a window or to go up into the crow's nest and look forward. There are small windows up there when they look forward but an opening is all they needed to see forward.  I wonder if in the old steam engine days if the guys at the engine would step up on the coal care and send hand signals back and forth with the guy in the caboose.

I am still dealing with the geraniums.  I had placed a lot of them in the basement.  I had to move two window boxes of them so I could cut a picture frame yesterday.  Some of them are dead and I am good with that. I should be able to get those containers stacked up and out of the way soon.  We had one of our harder freezes last night.  I have been putting rain barrel water into buckets and bringing them inside for flowers and fish tank.  The last one I  brought in had ice on the top of the water.

I believe I shared this on my other blog but I wanted to share my other caboose. I have a metal train somewhere that I believe still has its caboose with it but that train is buried in the storeroom.

I go in at 11:00 today to work so I have the morning to get a few things done.  I have not completely stopped framing things but the science teacher sneaked in four items for me to do.  I am doing them on my time table so I finished the second one yesterday.  I will do the last two after Christmas.  I am recycling older frames and using old glass to put them together.  The science guy likes the idea and likes that I don't charge so much for the frame job.  A painting that I might have had frame of mine was taken apart so I would be able to use the glass on a previous frame job last year, left an empty frame that I could recut to the proper size for him.

I wish everyone a happy day today.  Stay safe and thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I sure miss the old Steam Engines and waving at the man in the caboose.
    I like the pretty white Geranium, never had a white one ,only the red.

  2. Your Christmas tree is pretty and the wingback looks like a very comfortable chair to rest in.

    Have a happy Christmas ~ FlowerLady

  3. Your tree is pretty and I would enjoy sitting close in the chair to enjoy a closeup view of the ornaments.
    Sorry your weather has turned cold. We are still warm but we did have all day rain today.
    Best wishes with your framing jobs.
    Hope you both are healthy and looking forward to Christmas.

  4. I like the way you use your trains as part of your decoration.

  5. Your tree is done! Yeah! Looking good too! Framing jobs so close to Christmas, and you can never say No...but it is good that you are using up old stuff:)
