Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Middle of the Week.........

The final tree is up.  I reworked the stand on the bottom of the tree and it is fixed temporarily.  I like having the tree in the window for others to see.  I decided not to put ornaments on it so if it falls over eventually nothing gets to be broken.  I loaded down the tree with lots of lights, leftovers from different boxes of Christmas decorations. If we stand at a certain spot in the dining room there is a tunnel effect of reflecting trees.  The tree is reflected and the glass on the print hanging on the opposite wall shows two reflections.  At one time I can see the tree twice reflected in the window, once in the print, and then the actual tree itself.

The mantle is loaded down again.  We changed it a little when we added a wreath on the wall.  The wreath is centered on the wall but the photo makes it look lopsided.  The angels on the garland were purchase probably 20 years ago from the Younkers store downtown Des Moines.  That store burned down a couple of years ago,  It was aa old building with lots of history in the downtown area.  The lighted angels were an after Christmas sale item as most things in that store generally had high prices.

I have low light photos of my trains right now.  If we ever get a bright day I will take better photos of the train. We are definitely colder now and have winter skies.

I am glad I pulled off fixing the tree so it would stand again.  The table would have been bare and no trains would be put out.   We still have our winter village to be put out and we will do that when we get "around to it."

 Included in some of our Christmas cards were these two photos of our grandson.  I need to get them scanned and share them properly.  That should happen soon.  He has grown up fast with his three year birthday coming in February.

I could have worked today but I chose not to do so today.  It will be my only day off this week and I need that.  We have errands to run and things to buy.   I did a bus duty outside yesterday for a half hour and our windchill was very cold at the time.  I am still trying to warm up from that.  The wind was so strong and little ice crystals seem to be in the air.  I noticed last night while walking Barney that the ice crystals in the air were still there.

Thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. Your tree looks beautiful Larry. Merry Christmas!!

  2. Your home sure looks like Christmas and Grandson is very handsome.
    Have not seen any comments from you lately?? Still having trouble?

  3. Looks truly beautiful all of your decorations, festive and inviting at your house :)

  4. Double the beauty with that reflection!

  5. Wonderful pics of AJ. He has really grown up! Ella will be 3 in January.
    Your tree is certainly beautiful. Such a warm glow it gives to the room.
    I wish you both a good night.

  6. Love all the lights on your tree and the trains! AJ is growing up so fast, he is a cutie for sure!
