Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Snowflake Couple..........

The forecasts seem to come too soon rather than too late.  When it is predicted, it should not be at a weeks notice. I can see today that we are going to be warm in the south part of the state and that snow will only be rain.  We are not below freezing temperature wise right now so it will have to cool off some before any snow dreams come true.  I now think that they are not certain about the amount of snow but they are certain that it will blow.  I do believe them when they say that we will go back into the deep freezer again soon.  The January thaw is in the past as of tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by today


  1. We went up in to Missouri to a funeral yesterday,
    there was snow in the tree lines, and ditches.
    Wind about to blow us down.
    Here in our part of Tennessee on the old Mississippi River it is going to be 65 a heat wave then the storms are coming.

  2. We are supposed to be North of the storm...Kayla I guess they are calling it. It is a beautiful sunny day here today, snow is melting. Hope the worst of the storm misses you:)

  3. I collect snowman figures and ornaments. This is a really cute couple.
    I am glad to finally be able to view your blog again!

  4. A very adorable ornament.
    John reads the forecast for a week at a time and seems to believe it! I usually just look out the window each a.m.~!!!

  5. A very nice snow couple, Larry. The snowman display is still up outside our apt entry, but as we had not had much significant snow and the little we had is nearly gone now, they may need bathing suits soon.
