Monday, February 1, 2016


The two large fish were scared of the castle once I had placed it in the tank.  Now they are quite comfortable with a little structure in their lives.

The sun shines through the window into the back of the back tank window and reflects off of the front glass.  It makes a special effect on things and I am surprised to get a photo of any quality at all.  The algae eater has been living in the sunken pirate ship that is in there but I am sure now the algae eater will move on to the castle.  They tend to hang on the outside edge of an opening when they are not cleaning.  The sun is helping to create new algae for the eater.

Looking east shows that some of the snow has melted.  When driving out of town I noticed most of the snow is gone south of us.  We just have stayed colder here.

You can see that there is a lot of snow on the west side of the house.  I can stand out on the porch and get a shot like this without putting on a coat and cap.

Looking south at the corner of the unfinished deck area you can see that I did shovel snow earlier as the path is all melted away. The sun makes the gate glow. I still have roof edging material and a trellis left to reinstall on the porch.  I worked at it when it was winter and warm but our winter isn't warm anymore.

It is really nice to have this extra space on the deck.  When we step out the door we don't have a ledge next to us anymore and it just feels safer. I had the trellis installed to the old edge and maybe I will install it to the new edge.  I may put it on the front edge instead of the side. It always depends on what mood I am in at the time. I guess I could make another trellis and have it help wrap the corner.

I didn't get work today but I have plenty of work to do at home.  I am still carrying some of the last of the viral thing I caught last week.  Snowstorms tend to close schools and if it is bad there will be no school.  If they are wrong about it with how much snow that we will receive then there will be school on a very blustery day.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Very pretty photos of the fish. I enjoy the views around your home. We have a small cement patio at our back door. We are having a very small fenced in area installed to include the patio and a small area of grass for Theo. John walks him on the leash a few times a day, but it will be nice to have a safe place for him to go very late at night and early a.m.
    I do hope you won't have to get out in the blustery weather. Hope you feel better very soon.

  2. Good for you having a day off and time to rest a bit and get better, That cough/bronchitis/sinus stuff is laying people low up here too. It takes about three weeks to get over it. I am sure some of those kids at school are a little germy:)

  3. My granddaughter loves to watch the fish and the castle in the aquarium at the library. I know you enjoyed this day off.

  4. Nice shots of the goldfish, Larry! Our snow is pretty much gone now after a rain this afternoon. Who knows what the month will bring?
