Sunday, January 10, 2016

It Is Time.......

Another tree was taken down yesterday at our house. The partridge in the Christmas tree has an expression on his face.  Maybe it is startled that I waited for so long or he is concerned about his safety in the storage box.

I have a box that is designated for the smallest of the glass blown ornaments. I didn't get all of these on the tree this year.  I may have to do some high grading or just get a bigger tree.

I bought these guys back in the early 70s.  At the time I bought them I was knowing that they were old looking but didn't really know the company was trying to recreate antique ornaments.  I don't think I have ever seen a company do that again. Researching antique early glass blowns and you can see the churches, strange looking santas, acorns in a a variety of shapes. The mushroom is also one of the original shapes of the ornaments back in the early years.  I had thought the hippies caused that one to be made but I was wrong. The acorns are available now most of the time as they are a strong good design.  The others are not out there.

Some random shots that I am sharing lets you see the different caps that they have on them.  The newer ones have the fancier caps. I think the santas were sold about 20 years ago.

We are headed in to Des Moines this morning to teach Sunday School.  We will skip church as it is earlier than our class that we teach.  I figure that it might warm up to a positive single digit by then.  We got up at a minus 7 degrees.

Yesterday the wind made us live in dangerous weather for sure.  I was trying to fill the car with gasoline and the winds made the windchill unbearable. The windchill was -35 degrees F.  I don't think I have every felt like I could have been overcome by cold until yesterday afternoon.  I know if I was on the ground I would have been warmer because I would have been out of the wind. I did get myself back into the car while the gas was pumping itself. I was very covered and layered with clothes and it really didn't help.  Having frozen bluejeans is an unbelievable feeling. The guy filling his van next to me taught me a bunch of filthy words to use while standing in the cold. He was yelling at the top of his lungs.  Maybe that helped but I doubt it.

We will warm up to 10 degrees F. That will be our high temp sometime today.  We are always colder up here north of Des Moines.  We are staying warm enough even though our old furnace doesn't meet the needs completely.  We will be glad when and if it warms up in a few days.  Thank you for checking in on my blog today.


  1. Your weather conditions are frightening. I think the lowest I've experienced here in GA was 8 degrees. I enjoy seeing/reading about your ornaments. They are so pretty. John told me about a Christmas ornament shop in MI (Bronner's) and it is fun to see the ornaments and read the tradition behind each ornament.

  2. Your glass ornaments are so lovely, they are similar to the ones I grew up with, and when the candles on the tree was light they sparkled like stars :)

  3. It's lined pants for me in winter, no blue jeans!

  4. I enjoyed seeing all your decorations! :)
