Saturday, January 9, 2016

Looking Out for Cold.......

As I was looking out at the feeder and wondering if I wanted to take seed to the feeder, I noticed I had company looking outside. Our temperatures are dropping fast as the wind keeps blowing in bringing us the northern cold air.

I did go out and pour fresh seed on the three trays of the feeder.  The birds, juncos and sparrows, seemed to be real eager to eat.

The juncos are good about picking up fallen seen on the ground.  The sparrows join them too but prefer to be at the feeder.  I had thistle seed spilled on my basement door next to the house and they are busy cleaning that up.

The downy for just this one time, landed on the suet rack but really came for loose seed on the bottom tray. He kept coming back landing on the tray, choosing and escaped. That really isn't normal behavior for downy birds.

And then this guy came swooping down to the top tray.  I had seen him at a distance and picked off a blurry shot of him while he was casing the joint.

This is a nice photo but of course it had to be somewhat blurry.  If you can get a good composition then the photo should end up not in focus, frustrating. The cardinals are really friendly and eat with any other bird except for the blue jays.  Blue jays are bullies and selfish. The feeders must clear when they come to eat. Maybe today I will get a shot of a blue jay.  They come and go but I haven't taken any photo that is decent to show.

The daily amaryllis report shows that the stem is straightening and the whole pale color is going away now.  It is more green in color but the photo doesn't pick up that color.  The contrast of my plants to the outside view really does show what we are living like today and probably tomorrow too.  We are not going anywhere in this severe cold.  The winds are suppose to be extreme starting around noon.  I may go out and start the car just so it has been run for a while today.

Thank you all for checking in today.  I hope everyone is safe and warm inside.  Some of my followers are safe and are being air conditioned inside today.  Thanks again.


  1. You have shared some beautiful photos here. We had heard about your weather and MN weather. Please stay safe and warm. It is rainy and colder here in GA. The Cardinal is a pretty sight on such dreary days!

  2. Looks cold Larry, nut warm and cozy inside looking at those pretty birds at your feeders.
    We had our first dusting last night.
