Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Quality in Decorative Design......

I know it isn't Christmas time anymore.  I had this sitting on the table ready to box it and I thought I need to take some shots of this.  I bought this Santa on a sale from JC Penney years ago.  We don't do much Santa stuff in our decorating but this item really caught my eye.  The detailing is something you couldn't buy today at Hobby Lobby.  The gold design on the material of the coat is perfect for the piece.  Fur like edging and a gold cord for a belt. The hat has the same cloth with gold decoration.

The strap for the bag has gold braid and the bag itself is filled with beaded items and a rose. The total appearance of it is such a good quality.  Knowing that I picked it up on a sale for 7 bucks before Christmas makes it seem like a steal.  At the time I bought it lots of these things were being massed produced and merchandised in a variety of kinds of store. Crafters don't always do things like this in great detail but this one always impresses me when I dig it out of the box.

The teddy bear is a great character for Santa to carry around with him.  The dark green cloth is in great contrast to the red coat. Critiquing an ornament is a first for me but I like pointing out well designed things that really are a work of art.
I am in the middle school today doing English and a couple periods of physical education. I will work all 8 periods today and I am hoping lunch is scheduled in there somewhere.  Sometime it is not.

Warming up to 11 degrees F.  makes it feel warm after being in the negatives for so long. Thank you for stopping by today.

I will be proofing this blog later today so if  you read it early morning I hope there are not too many mistakes.


  1. I am in total agreement with you on this Santa. It is a VERY nice example of quality design and workmanship.

    And I really DIG your new banner with all the ducks !

  2. Christmas just will not be over for you until
    That grandson comes and goes? Will it be soon?

  3. This is a very nice Santa. I remember one cold December day, I dropped John and my mother off at the mall to do Christmas shopping. When I returned to pick them up, they were holding a Santa very similar to this one....she always displayed it on the hearth.
