Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday's Times........

A Mexican souvenir purchased by my parent many years ago.  It is a clay object that is made from white clay.  The potter gets the shape and then coats it with a red clay called slip.  Using a sharp tool they scrape the design onto the clay body.  It gets fired one more time to set the red clay onto the white clay object.  Quality wise it isn't so great.  The character of the craft is very good.  It looks like a young artist made the designs as they are not very uniform.

From the wildfowl collection that I have, I share a duck with a design that does not begin to match a real mallard duck.  It is neat to see and has decorative value. I am not sure anyone could use it to help them identify the duck that they would see in the real world.

This is a great sculpture of the mallard hen duck.  The touch of green feathers under the wing is the old real bright color that they have showing.

 The wood duck in real life is one of my favorites.  I like all the colors and line designs on it. The stripes on it remind me of a Chinese duck. My poor figurine has the end of its beak chipped off.  I intend to repair it even if I have to use chewing gum to extend it back to what it use to be.

I am straying here because it is just "show and tell" today anyway. This is an oil painting that I did of a wood duck back in 1989.  I never sold it and I don't know why.  I am glad that I still have it on the wall. I actually looked at a reference photo from National Geographic that was about 3" by 6" in size to create the painting. It was back when you couldn't get on a computer to research a photo. You couldn't get on a computer back then anyway as people didn't have personal computers. The duck is resting, standing on one leg.  I may have not illustrated that correctly but it is what it is.

There is actually a noticeable change to the amaryllis bud.  The stem is still short but the blooms look healthy.

I am an English teacher in the high school today.  I had Monday off so it is hard to not think that this is not Monday.  I guess the week will be shorter by the time I get to Friday.  We are to be getting snow today and it has warmed up a little.

Thanks for stopping by today.