Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Dozen........of Reds.

It is Valentine's day and I think these guys fit the bill for the day.  I have a red velvet cake that my wife made for us to eat.  The cake will keep on giving and I hope the roses last just as long.

Anyone who follows me for very long knows that I can't resist taking photos of donuts and cupcakes.  I think I did take a shot of sometimes a bunch of bananas.  This little cupcakes are headed to my wife's Sunday school class.  All the little girls will be so happy. 

The yucca plant always puts out a sculptural design in the winter.  It reminds me of those spider like creatures that you see in the space movies.   More snow is coming for sure.  It just has not been specified exactly when to expect it.  Maybe by afternoon we will see it falling from the sky.

I hope all will have a good day.  Please stay safe.  Thanks for showing up to read my post today. 

I am having problems with my comments that I make to others.  I have been writing lots of comments the past two days and I get mail from whomever saying that it didn't deliver my note.  I will be working on that.  Maybe the comment is getting posted but the email connection is not.  It means I have to go digging through the preferences. I really don't like it.  Maybe I will ask blogger some questions.


  1. I have had no comments from you again, but never know if someone even did comment.
    I like the spider effect

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Della. Such pretty red roses. John and I appreciate your friendship across the miles.

  3. I get your comments. Most all my comments get an email back to me saying they are undeliverable, I don't have a gmail account...that is what Google wants. The comments go through fine...I don't know if it a setting or not but as long as my comments show up I won't worry:)
