Saturday, February 13, 2016

Cold and Sunny Skies..........

Looking across the street I caught a shot of the sun shining through the old silver maple. I did say it was cold and it looks like it might warm up to less cold.  Snow is coming back again on Sunday.

When it was a little warmer the house roof melted off the snow causing the icyclcs.  It also put weight on the middle of the eave trough showing that I need to install another brace to support it.  My neighbor commented on the net that he liked my icycles but I don't enjoy them so much when it is doing this to the house.  Fortunately this old house has big overhangs so there isn't any melt back up into the shingles.

Has anyone every asked how we got that spelling of icycles?  The computer thinks it is misspelled but yahoo says that it is the correct spelling.

We ventured out in the miserable wind chill conditions.  We needed food but it was not a fun thing to do. I bought a finch sock and more suet for the birds.  I hope to get finches and probably juncos on the sock.  We had titmouse on the sock last year for a few short number of days.

I never really know what to buy when it comes to suet.  There are different kinds that really cater to the buy and most of the ingredients are the same.  Some have more seeds in them and I really don't think there is much or any peanut butter in them.

I was out in the snow a couple of days ago and I sort of caught snow in the photo.  This photo reminds me of the show on tv where the hardware guy would holler over to his neighbor and talk to him without us ever seeing his face.  Later years in the show the guy actually was seen once in a while.

The photo suggests mystery as you see my birdhouse and the tree on the property line.  The pine tree is the neighbors that you see lots of times when I shoot from the dinning room window.  The triangular piece of wood use to help support a bird feeder.  The squirrels didn't like it and their jumping off of it continually onto the tree destroyed it.

I will finish today with a photo of a painting in progress by my wife.  It will be finished soon but she is on hiatus from painting right now.

I hope everyone is surviving the weather conditions in your state or country.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Every one be carful out there.

I see that Google is going to stress me out.  Picasa, my storage system for all my photos, is going to be moved into Google photos.  I have been there before but I didn't feel very comfortable with their set up.  I will have to go into it and start learning as I see we are given notice to vacate in a timely manner. Ugh!!!!!!!!!


  1. Good Afternoon, I hope you both feel better soon. Your wife painting of the chickadee is so sweet. I like your snow photo with the sun behind the silver maple. Sorry you two had to venture out in the severe cold. I think we have everything we need should the weatherman's forecast of ice accumulation here on Mon. come true.

    God bless you both this Valentine's Weekend. Hi to the doggies.

  2. I had not heard that about Picasa...guess I better check around.

    I buy whatever suet is on sale, they seem to like it all:)
