Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Sunday Short........

A pending storm is bringing the birds back to the feeders. I am hoping that they predicted it wrong but they seem to have perfected it down to the time the snow will start to fall.  Our snow will start to fall at 6:00 tonight.  We will be watching to see if it is true.  Right now we have bright sunshine but a lot of cold air blowing our way.

We bought a new container of coffee and cream so we are all ready for anything to come our way.  I hope all are staying safe in your own places in the world. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We have new snow here, I am about ready to go shovel, I think about five inches Stay safe! :)

  2. No snow here, Larry, but strong gusts of wind from Storm Imogen and lots of power outages along the British south coast. Our garden birds are very noisy, competing with the wind!
