Monday, February 8, 2016

Blizzard or Not...........

The doves know that it is a blizzard but our county is in a winter storm so says the weather people say.  The tricky part is that the county north of us is having a blizzard. Our town sits a half mile south of the county that is having a blizzard. We really are having a blizzard.  The strong winds are the factors that make it a blizzard and the snow that is already on the ground is moving around along with the snow that is being dropped from the sky.

The winds are strong the garbage can has been opened and moved to the left about 8 feet.  It would have kept on going but the shrub did stop it. I had not taken the container out to the shed yet as we have been dealing with bad weather the past few days. I didn't want to wade in snow to take it out there and drag it over the snow.

We have lots of sticks on the ground from all the wind.  You can see the doves in the top photo are moving among the branches and twigs.  It was just yesterday that we had a lull in the weather and the one dove was calling out in the orchard.

Looking out my standard weather watch window it shows the light snow that is coming down. You can barely see the neighbor's flags blowing in the strong winds.

During the last week the Iowa flag took a hit as you can see it is only half there now.  I can't imagine how it could tear like that but maybe the state flag was an older one.

Out the front door on the north you can feel how cold it is out there.  Our furnace isn't really keeping up with the windy cold but we will be good anyway.

While taking the above photo I did get the Christmas wreath taken down.  It is protected being it hangs between the storm door and the inside door. I made the wreath many years ago from pine cones and a few years back I did the ribbon wrapping treatment.  Up close it is starting to wear out.  I hasn't fallen apart but the wires that hold things are starting to break up some of the pine cones.

I was suppose to work today but school did get cancelled for today.  The sporadic gusts of very cold wind is really too much for kids to go from the bus to the building.  The snow on the country roads have probably filled back in with the old snow as well as with some of the new snow.

As you can see the fish are staying nice and warm inside.  I keep the bird room warm so the birds won't get sick and the cold blooded goldfish get to keep warm too.

Thank you for stopping by today.  Everyone stay safe and warm.  


  1. Definitely a good day to be indoors, Larry. We had some snow in Nashua, NH on Friday and are supposed to get a few more inches this week, but not a blizzard like you are getting.

  2. To be honest we could use a little blizzard weather here if you want to send it over! I am sick and tired of winter weather that's too warm and wet! Bring me at least a little snow.

  3. Stormy here all day today, we will see what tomorrow brings, if there is wind the new snow will blow around. We are safe and warm at home and not bored yet:)

  4. Sorry about the blizzard conditions. We are dealing with strong wind but nothing like you guys have. What a great and colorful shot of the fish. Stay safe today and take care.
