Friday, February 12, 2016

Finishing off the Week......

While I am outside taking a few photos I don't see much with any color.  The artificial plastic wreath with red berries seems quite striking to see and to photograph.  I will probably leave the small wreath out there on the old snow sled for the rest of winter.

The things that are not artifical is this fall leaf and the piece of Japanese yew shrub bunched together.   The strong winds of the past days  have put the two together.  Our gently fluffy snow covers the two  in their arrangement.

The redtwig dogwood is not putting out a lot of red color on its branches this winter..  It probably is sad as the city plans to cut it down because of its leaves will be falling into the ditch of mistakes. I will try to get out there when the ground thaws and dig up parts of it and move as much as I am able to do. I think I can get a few plantings from it along the outside edge of it before the bull dozing chain saws start to rear their heads.

Having had the birch tree over 30 years or more I can identify this twig instantly.  The tree lost a lot of twigs during a couple of our snow storms.  They would hit the wall or windows of the house as they were broken off from the tree. The branching of a birch is uniquely different than other kinds of trees.

Our sky looks sunny this morning in contrast to the gray day that I took this photo.  It is predicted to be a very windy day to help blow all that loose snow around.  It will be typical winter weather driving conditions for us today.

I didn't have to work today so it will be a good day to rest.  Sore throat is now gone and my energy level is almost normal.  Being stuck inside is boring but I will adjust.  Our Saturday and Sunday weather will be a little more threatening in severity.  We will wait and watch to see it all.  Thank you for checking in on this post today.  Take care everyone.


  1. Guess you will have that snow around for a while.
    I have been finding those berry's in the flower bed.
    Bet the wind has blown them from some where. Any way they brighten up the dead bed.LOL

  2. Move what you can and then take cuttings before they haul it away! They easily root in a pail of wet sand:) Good to hear you feel better! Cold here, real cold:(
