Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Windy Weather......Very Windy.

I removed this from the Christmas tree yesterday and thought it would be appropriate to share for today. The blizzard has started and we will be in for a couple of days.

Looking out the dining room window I can see the snow is accumulating.  Everything is coated with snow from the strong winds.  The window in the bird and fish room is totally plastered over with snow.

It was looking like this yesterday with the squirrel being a little bothered by me taking his photo.

He suddenly starts to scamper to the very top of the trees where he found seeds to eat off of the branches. He travels from tree to tree in the backyard on the top smaller branches never having to land on the ground.

The ornament that I shared in the top photo is actually a sled.  I will show that in case anyone would like to make sled ornaments for their tree. In the top photo you can see various mittens hanging from the snowman by wire connections.  I think I bought this at an after Christmas sale many years ago.

Yes, the big tree was still up as of yesterday but today it will be gone. My wife and I took ornaments off and I removed the lights on the first day of February.  Today I will take the tree apart and carry it back downstairs for storage. The tree is too big to be left standing anywhere in our house. I don't think we have taken the tree down in such an orderly fashion as we have this year.

 The wind continues to blow and parts of the trees are being thrown at the house as the storm continues.  The weaker sticks break off of the tree and they will cover the ground this spring.  This is not a severely cold storm and we are not in the worst of it.  Northern parts of the states are really having a lot of snow and will be much colder.  I may be raining in the southern part of the state this afternoon.  

It is another good day to accomplish things but not over work my body.  My viral friend says I am still somewhat tired a lot of the day.  I consider it a building process to get back to normal strength so I will work at it getting my muscles use to heavy duty chores as time progresses.  Taking a break between breaks is a good idea.   Thank you for coming by today.


  1. Glad you do not have to get out in the severe weather. I love the snow ornaments you shared. What a creative way to make a sled ornament. When we lived on a wooded lot, we enjoyed watching the squirrels jump from tree limb to tree limb...they make it look easy!
    Good idea to take lots of breaks as you are still recovering from the virus.

  2. Glad you are feeling better.
    Good day to catch up in the house!
    We are in the 60's with heavy rain and wind.

  3. Stay warm! I hope your power stays on! Yes resting is sometimes the only thing we can do to get over that viral stuff. We finally put the Shiny Brite tree away today... we are really slow this year. :)

  4. The storm seems to have moved up through Michigan and almost missed us, though we are getting rain now.
