Monday, April 11, 2016

First Day of the Week........

Looking out this morning there was no dramatic sunrise.  No clouds to cause wonderful colors.  Just the sun shinning brightly.  That is a good thing.  The bad thing is we are hearing all of these earth movers outside, digging in our ditch one more time.  This will be the third time they have worked on the shape of the ditch.  When they removed the trees the edges of the ditch ended up looking like a zig zag design.  They are digging deeper and wider placing the ditch now about 6 inches from the sidewalk.

The sight seems to be a familiar one. A small grater is in the ditch and the backhoe is pulling the dirt up and out of the area.

The machinery and men have moved on now. They are down the street as I write this blog.  I guess we will get a new seeding of grass sprayed on the surface as they did disturb past plantings of grass.

We were below freezing again last night even though yesterday we were in the upper 60s.  I was out finding things to shoot this morning and look what I have found. They sprouted with buds despite the cold weather.  I don't think my tulips look as healthy as in the past but I will just have to wait and see.

I shared on my Photo A Day blog a similar photo of this hyacinth.  It was also a surprise to find.  I guess the winds have been so cold and strong that I haven't been out in the gardens for a week. I have a couple of other plantings of this elsewhere so I will have to be watching for more blooms.

The field lilies that grow on the other side of the fence have made a break for it and are not on tis side of the fence.  The cold has bothered the field lilies as their leaves a little bit wrinkled. The freeze didn't kill things but I bet some buds on my one shrub, a viburnum, will not bloom.  The top leaves look yellow.

I will finish off with tis closeup of the fernleaf peony. This one has one sole bud on it.  The plant is tough as freezing air didn't seem to bother it.  I do think the bud looks a little bit sick.

I turned down two jobs today as I am headed to the dentist this afternoon,  I have no desire to be there but I will man up to it.  My wife is driving me home after the visit.

I hope everyone is having better spring weather.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Sorry to learn of your trip to the dentist. Hope you begin to feel better soon.
    Nice for you to see the sun today. The peony is really growing.

    We have clouds today and the promise of rain tonight.

  2. Hope your day ended well. Tonight we get to freeze again too. Here's to a brighter Tuesday!

  3. I hope your dental visit went well....I have worked in a dental office for the last 30 years, and although the patients love the staff, they still would rather not have dental work done!
