Sunday, April 10, 2016

An Early Morning to Remember.........

I was awakened early in the morning by our little dog.  He needed to go outside.  I was thinking as I carried him outside that I don't have photos for today's two blogs.  Once out the door I thanked God for the new day.  I went back and grabbed my camera and started shooting.  This is the unedited first shot that I was able to take.

I have more photos than I am able to share.  I did get a lot of shots of this sky.  We were changing temps from the 25's going up to the 50's.  It seemed warmed outside and the temps were probably causing the clouds to make these kinds of formations.

After the little dog was through Barney stood in the kitchen door waiting to go outside.  He likes to sit on the steps and watch the early morning traffic going by.  It is a hazy shot as the light is really low.  I don't get a lot of poses from him as he hates the camera but this morning he just laid there for me.

Having very few photos at the start of the day, my wife also said there is a dove on the feeder.  So while the dove posed on the feeder in the sunlight, I took a lot more photos. That sunrise shot seems to be a good one every time. The neighbors gas meter is a geometric design that seems to be always in my backgrounds. From the point of having no photos to having a dozen or more new shots took me about 15 minutes to change my situation.

We are having a restful quit afternoon this Sunday.  It is nice to have a warm spring day and yet  the wind still blows.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I like your early morning photos. We are having a windy Sunday. A front is coming. Maybe rain tonight.

  2. I believe I lost my first comment.

    Beautiful start to your Sunday. I hope Button is still feeling ok. It's nice to see Barney and to learn that part of his routine is watching traffic go by. So many of the bloggers have had strong wind and clouds the last few days. I'm glad your temps are warmer and that you both have enjoyed a restful Sunday. I love the dove photo, also.

  3. Looks like a great start to the morning. My dog, Rayna, will go to the back door like she wants t go out in the morning and when I open the door she will run to the living room instead of going outside. She likes front yard better in the morning. The back yard right before bed.
