Friday, April 15, 2016


Vinca blooms hide among the leaves early in spring.  They don't bloom for very long but they do have great looking blue blooms. The yellow green leaves are the new sprouts of the plant for the season.

The close up was good but I didn't get all of the flower in the shot.  I could just pretend that I planned it that way. The bud in the back shares the true color of blue of the vinca plants.

The bright sun almost causes the tulips to appear washed out looking more white than yellow.  I have a lot of yellow tulips, which seems to be the ones that bloom first.

I am subbing in the shop today and I had a diversion come my way. One of the students had been to another town to pick up supplies for his project and just happen to buy six baby chicks.  He really didn't know what he was going to do with them while at school but he wanted to keep them in the shop until after school

Having been around my parents who raised chickens I knew what to do.  They were not going to stay in the little boxes all day. I found this green bin and tossed in shredded paper towels.  I found a warm spot on the floor where the sun is shining hopefully keeping them a little warmer.

The boy bought this 20 lb. bag of feed so I improvised a lid to put food in there with them.  They didn't hesitate to start eating.  A student went to find a lid and put water in for them.  Most of the students have never been around them and I had to strongly express that they were not small teddy bears. They are eating continually if they are not sleeping.  I will have to keep moving the container to keep them in the sun.

I know the one boy said that his mom had raised chickens so they should be safe when they get home.

It is Friday and I am glad.  My wife's birthday is today so we will be eating out tonight.  She liked all her presents and the cake is made and ready to be cut.

It is going to warm up today so we will have to deal with keeping cool rather than keeping warm now.  I hope the photos of the little chicks make you smile.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Please pass along happy birthday wishes to Della. Hope you have a delicious dinner.

    The chicks are so sweet. Such cute pictures.

    I love how hearty Vinca is and the blue color is so nice.

  2. Look at you, a chick sitter. They are cute!
    Happy Birthday to your wife. Have a great weekend.

  3. I enjoyed the chicks. Happy Birthday to your wife.

  4. Yes those chicks made me smile! Happy Birthday to Della! I hope dinner out was great and I wondered what kind of cake you baked for her? :)
