Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday's a Go........

I have an action shot that I didn't plan to have.  The blackbirds have not migrated on yet.  They have been hanging around for a long time.  I kept thinking they were red winged black birds because of the sounds they make.  I looked up the sounds of the black bird and they sound just the same.

They are not bad birds, they just seem to be hanging around way too long. When they hit the feeder all other birds must leave.

I will still put out some seed during the day but I really think they should head to the timbers or go north and leave my yard. They are mostly hanging around in the apple trees.

Their shine remind me of starlings but their call is definitely one of a black bird. When I still had my large silver maples in the years past, the birds would fill up those two trees.

 The blue bells are almost fully opened.  Some know them as New England Bluebells.  We have them scattered around the property by former owners who live here 40 years ago.  It is an old fashion flower that one sees along foundations of houses.  I remember when they bloomed in the timbers on our family farm in southern Iowa.

I have random thoughts today to finish off this posting.  I am in the middle school as the head secretary.  It is like piloting a ship.  Some parents are scared as they haven't been in the building before now.  They need reassured that they are ok. Students are going to dentists or going home sick by second hour.  Major state test are being taken today so kids are subdued a lot. Administrators coming and going chatting over major things of concern. I have a lot of down time on the job but not as much as one would think. All day I will be pressing the button to let people through the secured door of the entrance. They need to push the button to get their picture recorded and then push against the door so I can let them in.  Don't use the handle, just push on the door.  That will be my activity all day.

I am using the school computer screen today and I realize I really need to get a new screen to use with my laptop. My blurry eyes really can see clear photos on the big screen and I don't have to put my  nose to the screen to see details. It is nice not to be in the classroom today and just get away from the scheduled work.  I will be back in the classroom tomorrow.

We are having spring weather today and will be warm the entire week.  We slept with a window open last night as it was too hot in an upstairs of an old house. Things keep growing and I still have lots of yard work to do.  Thank you all for stopping by today.


  1. I remember as a little girl, black birds would swarm in the trees in our yard and when they took off, it was a sight/sound!
    So happy that your weather is warming up.
    I really love seeing your blue bells. They must be a hardy flower to have survived all these years.

  2. Good action shot.
    Spring is coming.
    I am in the process of upgrading to a new lap top. Much better picture on the new one!
