Monday, April 25, 2016

Mondays are always an Adventure.......

A multi color tulip that leans from the frost.  It has such interesting colors that really can't be appreciated without a close up photo it.

I have found that there are a lot more plants that have been damaged from our freeze which we had a few weeks back.  I noticed the cherry trees may not put out fruit this year.  It has happened before a few years back.  The fern leaf peonies have less buds on them and the lilacs were hit hard.  The blooms will look pretty distorted.

I don't know the name of this plant but I believe it would be a shrub it it had enough sun.  That will happen now as the trees are gone and it is in full sun.  I have seen a shrub like this growing at the school and its height isn't more than a foot tall. I like seeing the wild violets showing in the photo.

The golden privet keeps dying back each year and not really becoming a good looking bush.  I would not think our winters are the cause but I guess it must be. It seems futile to keep letting it grow like this and fade back each spring.  A twig in the ground does not make a bush.

This is what the freeze did for the lilacs. I wander out yesterday and thought I could smell blooms but then I realized this is the most of it. Visual dead parts of the blooms do tell me that they got to be too cold.

I am hoping that the blooms mean there will be apples.  They don't seem to be so abundant and yet they seem healthy.  One tree that I don't usually get a large apple crop is covered with blooms this year.  I hope my neighbor across town is keeping his bee  hives going and he sends some of them my way.

The facetime feature on the iPhone is such a blessing for two grandparents of this little guy.  We got a call  later in the evening and there he sat looking at us wide eyed and awake. He apparently has his days and nights mixed up for his parents.  I guess it is his parents that must be mixed up.  Anyway we had a great talk with our newest grandson up close and personal. He is filling out in his face now and we can see more of his true handsome face.He seems like a small little guy as he is 6 pounds in weight.  I remember his dad's birth weight was also 6 pounds.

I am at the school today and will be playing the role of a special ed. instructor. as well as other odd jobs to fill in for the school.  There is a secretary gone today as well as a social studies teacher and I will pick up jobs along the way instead of the normal special ed. position.  It is a bright sunny day after a very light rain in the night.  We did not get storms as they faded out in strength by late evening. The wind was unbelievable most of the day on Sunday but we are a little bit windy again today.   I hope all are ready for Monday as it is here anyway.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Technology is wonderful, he is so cute.

  2. Such a sweetie. Congratulations to everyone. Hope all get some good sleep soon!

  3. Fun to see your Teddy! They grow so fast! Your Tulips look great and yes it looks like your Lilacs got a little too cold... rainy here and cold:(

  4. And soon perhaps you will get the chance to visit the newest family member in person.
