Tuesday, April 26, 2016


 A circle of color formed by the tulips is shadowed by the photographer.  The red tulips are not a true red but the yellow orange colors make them seem red. 

Tulips that had difficulties were brought into the house.  Someone was weeding water grass from an area and one tulip was snagged by mistake.  Others were out there growing all alone in different parts of the garden.  I brought them in too.

One lone grape hyacinth is out in the yard. I should move to another location and maybe I could get some more to grow. I use to have a lot of them and things happen causing them to go away.

The one lily that was large and old was moved to a new location.  I notice that it is coming up and that there are new sprouts coming up from its making a move.

A week later and look at them now.  The larger one is shooting up tall and has out grown the little sprouts on the side.  It definitely was a good transplant.

The honeysuckle was effected by the freeze as the blooms are really sparse.  The usually have many more blooms than this.  I keep finding more things that didn't like the cold.  I do have a viburnum that didn't bloom last year and it surprisingly has many buds that have formed in the past few days.There will be pictures.

It is a cool, overcast day today.  I don't think we will be as warm as yesterday.  The end of the school year is 5 weeks away and the kids do act like that it is time for school to be completed.  I am in the special education room today and will also be working in the coffee shop.  I went to the dentist yesterday to have the new bridge put in to my mouth.  I am happy but know that my jaw line and teeth will all move around now to get things arranged.  I am not chopping down continually any more to the new object put in the row of teeth.  It is better, the new one, than the temporary piece of plastic.  It is better that I don't have a gap anymore.  In a few days I won't notice anything but will be able to eat on my left side of my mouth again. Until I am fully adjusted to it I will be somewhat grumpy or irritated.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Teeth can make us very grumpy when they don't work right.
    Your flowers are popping out, love the color of your tulips.

  2. Dental work makes me cranky too. Your Tulips are so pretty and those Lilies will be blooming before long:)

  3. I love the tulips in the blue glass! A gorgeous picture!
