Saturday, April 9, 2016

Saturdays Stuff.....

The 26 degree temps F.  did bother some of the wild violets.  They seemed to be a little wrinkled from the cold.  The bluebells seem to have toughed it out but those blooms are still not really opening.

The rain barrel had a thin layer of ice on it and the wind now has picked up again.  It is sunny out there but it feels like winter with the need for hats to keep you head warm.

I took a rest break this afternoon and then I finished moving my tomato starts into bigger containers. I have too many of them but I have a couple of people who will be glad to take them for their vegetable gardens. I didn't think I was going to start tomatoes this year but I guess I am in a rut. It sure is going to have to warm up before I can ever think of planting them outside.  Our last day of frost is considered to be May 15th.

The cherry blossoms have held their own during the cold but the true test will be if any fruit gets to be set on the stems.  We had a freeze like this a few years back and very few people had apples.  I think I am still safe as there are not any blooms on the apple trees.

The finches are ready for me to fill up the sock again.  I haven't been out with the wind being so bad.  We had 7 days of the very strong winds. Today's winds are only in the 10 mph caliber but it makes for a great wind chill anyway.

I hope everyone gets better weather soon.  I appreciate your visit today.


  1. Looks cold there Larry, we are under a freeze warning again tonight, not good weather for the cherry trees :(
    Stay warm, warmer weather ahead !

  2. You are really staying chilly this spring.
    The tomato plant looks good. Better too many.

  3. We have had strong wind for several days. It was terribly windy this a.m. while the workers were spreading the sand on our lawn. We stayed in all day. I wish you all a blessed Sunday.
