Saturday, April 23, 2016


Our second grandson was born April 20th in the evening.  He was 6 lbs. 4 oz. and 21 inches long.  I have movies of him right after he was born and he has a great set of lungs that he was trying out.  The older he gets the more he reminds me of our first grandson.   His name is Theodore John Burgus.  He will be called "Teddy or Ted."  After just three days the name really has stuck and he looks like our Ted. I suspect we will be doing some "facetime" on the computer pretty soon.

We have been cold again but today is predicted to be a warmer day.  I probably will do my first mowing of some parts of the yard today.  I have most all of the sticks finally pick up off the yard so I can mow without obstructions.  One section of my yard, the ditch area, is still all mud and that won't need any of my attention.

The birds are hanging around less now as all the trees are budding out for leaves and there must be something there that the like to eat. The house finches have been more visible this past year than another other year.  I bet they have found new nesting areas that are close by to us.

The wild violets are doing well with our weather.  We are getting the rain that they like and the cool damp evenings seem to make them happy.  We had fog this morning but I couldn't photograph it.

Last night, early evening, we had a beautiful orange moon.  When I went out later to photograph it the moon had turned back to its normal color. I guess stuff on the horizon was causing the color. I hope someone on facebook captured it and shared it as it was worth photographing.

After the tulips we should see peonies and iris.  I think the tulips were early this year so we will have to wait.  The lilacs are maybe just budding but I haven't been out to see.  I would think the apple trees would be blooming but again I haven't taken out the camera.  Some people who live in the warm low lands of Des Moines have fruit trees with big buds and blooms on them.

Every spring in Iowa can be so different in its timing.  I see that I have my two clematis that are already shooting up vines.  I didn't have a single bloom from either plant last year.  I hope this will be a better year. I have to water everything in the house today.  I ended up working all five days this week and just didn't get things done.  Tomato plants are tough and could wilt on me and I could still keep them going.

It is fertilizer day for all the plants, especially the tomatoes.  I bought a new bag of potting soil the other day which means I will be moving things into bigger pots or splitting up some over sized plants. I think I can start moving some of the plants in pots outside in a week or two.

No big plans for today as we both are a little under the weather.  Even with the announcement of a new grandson we have had a slow week.  It is nice to have a weekend to have time to regroup.  Thank you all for stopping by today.


  1. Teddy is a fine name and he does remind me very much of big brother AJ. Again, congratulations to all of you on this blessing from the Lord.

    I enjoyed your spring pictures and I hope you both begin to feel better soon.

  2. He is so cute and looks a lot like his brother.

  3. Nice to see the photo of the newest family member. Teddy is very cute, already. And, nice that the spring blossoms are doing so nicely after a miserable winter, Larry.

  4. What a wonderful strong name for such a little guy! I hope you get to see him in person soon:)

  5. Love little Teddy...and the pretty tulips! Proud granddad! :-)
