Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday's Features........

The neighbor's crabapple is blooming out but is not in full color yet.  I will have to keep an eye on it to get the photo of it when all the blossoms are open.

The angle for the shot was chosen for the flowers that were blooming and not for the garage.  This tree was a freebie from the bank years ago and I remember the first neighbor's who planted it as a small twig. I think that I remembering that I had to encourage one owner not to cut it down.

Overlapping of the tree trees shows three different kinds of blooms.  The real pear tree in on the right and the decorative pear tree is on the left.  The red leaf with blooms is a problem and I will probably take it out over the summer. It has grown crooked because the one tree is too close to it.  The trunk is at a 60 degree angle to the ground making it look strange.

I just looked up the name of the tree and it is a Bradford pear.  I didn't read the label when I bought it and was disappointed that it is a non-bearing tree. I also read that some places discourage it as a tree to plant in urban areas.  The birds scatter the seeds throughout the country, so they said.  One state classifies it as an exotic tree pest.

I will finish today with these shy looking tulips.  The rains have them bent over a bit and thre was not a way to get a good  photo of them.  I am hoping they do straighten back up when we get some sunshine.

I am teaching today, even though I had planned not to.  I was in the special education room this morning and now back in the Middle School social studies room.  It has been a long week and I am ready for a weekend. I have yet to get much outside work done.  I remember when I worked full time as a teacher I didn't work out there until the end of May.

I thank you all for stopping by today. I will share my new grandson's name when I get a new photo. You can all just wait in the lurch until I get that next photo.

Yes, I did correct my spelling of "Tudging" into "Trudging  through Thursday." I hate it when I check the spelling on my writings and forget to look up at the title.


  1. Hi Larry, The blooms on your trees are so pretty coming together. In the 90's, Bradford pears were very popular here in GA. As they grew, they would get top heavy and split. Slowly over time, folks have had to remove them or severely trim them. The first home I owned, my dear father planted a Bradford pear tree for me...sweet memory. Our dear family friend, Frances, went to Heaven this afternoon. She will be missed.
    I look forward to hearing/seeing more about the new baby. Glad you have the weekend to rest up. Take care and thanks for sharing those pretty tulips.

  2. Trees are lovely to see in the spring.
    Congratulations on new grandson!
    I have been posting on our youngest grandson
    and I think he looks just like his grandfather!!!
