Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Second Day of the Week.......

They look pathetic but I do know that they will take off now that they are out of the smaller seed cells that they were in at first.  I had 18 places for tomatoes and I really need another 18 to get everything transferred to bigger containers.

With so many different black birds in the area I refuse trying it identify them.  I do know the other day I heard red winged black birds.   I think that the starlings are around and this might be one in the photo.

I don't know what this is but will have a clue as it matures.  it is a nice green spot in the garden. I have a lot of muddy areas among the early hostas and field lilies.  The tulips in Pella, Iowa are all blooming right now.  They are very early as they have a festival in May.  My tulips are not that early but I saw them on the news last night and the gardens are blooming. (maybe it is iris)

The goldfinch birds continue to change colors.  They are molting off the brown feathers and  growing in the yellow.  Eventually there will be a black cap on their head. The seed sock is almost empty now and I will need to fill it tonight. 

A late birthday gift to me from my wife is this case that fits over the cell phone.  It is a copy of my painting that has been printed on the case. 

I like how it wraps the artwork all the way around on the edges. I have yet to get the phone installed on it but that will happen.  I am in constant concern that I am going to misplaced it.  If I search for my car keys I know that I will be searching for the phone.  Right now I keep it in one place at home but it moves from pocket to briefcase when I am at school.

I am in the Spanish room today at the high school level. Kids are conjugating verbs in Spanish but it is difficult for them as they can't conjugate verbs  English well.  It is a frustrating thing for them.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You have been busy with the seedlings. That is tedious work. I just love your cell phone case. That is a real treasure for a gift.
    We purchased a couple of petunias today to replace a perennial that did not make it. We are expecting rain the latter part of this week.
    I hope Button has a good night. You guys take care.

  2. Button is better. Not out of the woods but really looks good this Wednesday morning.

  3. Hi Larry. Do one seedling my way and see what happens. Wait for it to get six leaves (Two seed leaves and four regular leaves), then when you transplant it bury it in the soil totally covering the seed leaves with soil coming to the bottom of the real leaves. It will have great roots that way. :)
