Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Middle of the Week......

The yellow feathers keep coming in making the birds have a brighter yellow color. The top notch of the bird is to be pure black so.  I will be feeding them for a couple of more weeks until my feed runs out.  I will have to decided if I want to feed all summer.

 The longer days of bright light has been good for my violets. They have stems that reach up in the air with blooms rather than when they are short all winter.

I resisted buying another one the other day.  We were in a hurry buying a friend a plant and next to the cyclamens were a hundred violets in many different colors. I keep saying it would be like a rescue if I bought one as they never take care of them very well in grocery  stores.

I just found a blurry photo of the house finch and there is red on the back of the bird. I had posted a good photo of it on my photo a day.  I had never noticed that the bird had that much red. I also found out that the female never turns red but has a very distinct pattern of brown and white feathers on its sides.

I found the Easter lily laying on its side this morning.  The single bulb is not weighted down very much in the soil mixture. It was standing on the edge of the dining room table and had fallen over landing on the violets.  I had to find a place to sit it so it could lean against the wall.  All of the buds are now open.

Button, our 18 year old poodle, took a fall on Monday night.  He was on the upstairs landing.  He doesn't have much vision anymore and he walked off the ledge coming rolling down the wooden stairs like a bag of potatoes.  I really was worried that he had broken something and he was not going to survive it.

We had a bad night with him on Monday night as he was so uncomfortable. In a day and a half time he is so much better.  He is wagging his tail again and eating a lot of food to make up for all that he hasn't been eating. He has slept a lot anyway because of his age but now he looks like he really is resting comfortably.  Yesterday he jumped off the couch and came wandering in to see his mom and that was a nice thing to see. He likes to wander into the kitchen and get a drink of water and he was doing that yesterday.

The sedum survived the winter in the clay cylinder sewer pipe.  It will keep growing for sure but I would really like to see it put out some flowers this year. I had planted a bit of it on the ground below this and it did come back too.

I was going to stay home and work today but that didn't happen.  I was up with Button to get him outside and I checked my cell phone. A job was just posted for high school social studies.  I can do that.  It is a shortened day because of workshops so it will be a good thing to work.  We keep looking like spring around here but I considered it too cold for me to walk the dog las night.  Wind and sprinkling rain made it a bad night to walk.  The daylight says we are into spring but that cold has got to go away.   Thank you for checking in on me today.


  1. Sorry about poor Buttons, fall.
    They are our children and we don't like to see them hurt.
    Have a good day at school. We have not seen the ducks any more, guess they left sense we would not share the pool.

  2. Poor Button I am glad he will be okay. Old dogs have problems just like old people and sometimes just need days of rest and good food to make them feel better! :) Cold here too..still.

  3. I am late getting by to read your post. I am thankful Button is showing signs of improvement. You all have been in my prayers. We are experiencing thunderstorms and hail this evening.
