Thursday, April 7, 2016


A muliti-floral rose is anxious to get up and out of the ground.  The leaves seem yellowed because of the cold.  I do believe they will green up though when the temperatures warm up to normal.

As the ground warms the hostas are reacting to it.  This weird looking set of sprouts will be a great set of foliage in a few weeks.  I have been watching the different varieties and this is the earliest to emerge and one other variety is now up and in view.  I could see the hostas growing even when we had near freezing temperatures.

The phlox is coming up strong.  It don't know why some of them are stiil small while this one is really a large plant.

The flag iris are really pushing thorough quickly this year.  I have planted parts of two varieties all over the different garden areas.  It will be interesting for me to see which spot will bud and bloom first.  In the past they have been in the shade and didn't really bloom much so now I have most of the plantings in full sun.

I am headed in to work the high school science room today.  The teacher wanted to hang around and do plans for today and tomorrow so I don't have to go in until 10:00 this morning.  Kids are starting to practice their spring fever and school is out attitude.  It makes it more difficult to sub in the classroom at this time of the year.  I remember from last year that I reached a point in which I avoided working in the high school and just taught in the middle school.

I appreciate your stopping by today.

I forgot to mention that Button is so much better.  He is walking around as if he had never fallen.  His appetite has been great.  He is alert and has energy to go prancing around outside.  We are glad he did not break any bones.  Button does have his own fan club and I got distracted at the end of the blog.


  1. Happy Button is so much better.

    Where we now live, we pay dear for living in this Senior Gated Community. They have a full time gardener and a crew of workers.
    They keep the grounds in park like condition. We are blessed to be able to live here.

  2. Can't believe you've got Hostas up out of the ground already!

  3. Good news about button. Your Hostas are coming up like gangbusters!! It is always fun to see your plants! :)
