Thursday, April 21, 2016

Trudging through Thursday.....

This is what the peony is behaving like in the back yard.  I don't know it the frost messed it. I do not remember them ever looking like this as the develop but maybe all these years I have not been paying attention.

There is new growth on the yew shrub.  It is nice that it stays green year round.

Ferns around the foundation are starting to shoot up like fireworks.  I really like ferns as the cover up a lot of problems around the foundations of a house. It really is an old traditional plant for houses in this country.

It looks like it is distorted in shape but the color is great.  Our light showers the past two days are making the tulips stand up straight and show off their color.  The grass is catching up with them and that helps make them look brighter in color.

I am subbing again today.  I am being an 8th grade English and Literature teacher today.  I get to slip in a 6th grade social studies class as there are a lot of teachers that didn't get subs for today.

We did get a call last night and we are grandparents to another boy.  He will live in Chicago with his parents and AJ our first grandson.  AJ seemed so small at 3 years old but now he is a big brother.  There is a photo in the sidebar to help you visualize our new little guy.  He will be named before they leave the hospital. We are happy that he is here and is doing well.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Congratulations! Such a beautiful baby boy. AJ will be a great big brother. I am so thankful to the Lord that the little one has arrived.
    I enjoyed all of your photos. We only have a few ferns in the woods here. I would love to have some around our foundation. Glad you rec'd the rain.

  2. Boy, your plants look like it's summer! They're way ahead of things here.

  3. Congratulations! I hope all is going well with AJ's new brother! His parents will be busy now!! I hope you get to see he new baby soon:)
