Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday, Monday.........

AJ likes to help.  Maybe he just likes to lick the spoon.  Either way he has his patriotic apron on so the mess doesn't get all over his shirt. The photo was taken by AJ's dad.

I shared my spirea bush that is next to the house on my Photo a Day. It has really become large this year and it has many cascading branches.

It is doing well in this location unlike the ones that are out in the open.

The majority of my wild roses died back two years ago.  I have a slight revival with one or two stalks putting out some buds.  The weather must have been too hard on them or the field lilies won on in its competition for the area.  The roses are gone so maybe this year the field lilies will take their turn to bloom.

They do look like twin blooms.  I remember this as an old traditional color for iris. It has spread a lot and next year at this time I should have a great showing of its blooms.

At the present time I will be only teaching half time today.  If nothing comes up for the last half I will go home and mow my yard.  I normally don't care about the yard but so many people around me are keeping there's so well manicured.  I won't manicure mine but I can keep it down a little shorter.

I am in the music room this morning and most plans will mean study hall for all.  It seems to be a slow Monday for me but hope I can pick up on my energy level. There are two weeks of school left and then I will be home for the summer. I have a few plans in projects and will just pace myself through them.  I hope all is well with all of you out there.  Thanks for hanging around my blog.


  1. Forgot to say on your last blog that I am glad Barney is going up and down the steps okay now. Your Iris are beautiful! Dianthus does come back some years...good for you! Still cool up here:)

  2. Oh, I'll bet you are looking forward to school being out and having more free time. I know you'll use the time well.

  3. AJ is so cute. Seems we all liked to lick the spoon when helping in the kitchen!
    Your spirea is gorgeous. I bet you have a lot of admirers enjoying it.
