Tuesday, May 17, 2016


A late blooming fern leaf peony is just now opening.  You can see there is one more bud in the background that might do the same. Most of this plant bloomed much earlier and the blooms are all spent.

A promising sight to me are the buds on this flag iris.  There are two plantings in this area and one more next to the house.  All of them have buds on them.  I do like to think that the flag iris are more like the ones that the Chinese and Japanese draw and paint. There will be pictures to follow once they open up.

Sticks and strings were needed to rescue this iris.  The iris has six stems on it and three buds per stem.  I couldn't leave them laying on the ground.  The moist soil and heavy blooms added to what the wind had done to them a few days ago. I at least picked up a rustic stick to use to blend in with the background fence.

I don't remember this old fashion iris having such short stems.  I suppose the freeze could of caused that.  All of the blooms look submerge in the foliage rather than being above it. I have two good plantings of this now and they both are blooming the same.  I had moved some of this elsewhere because the iris bore was doing damage to a lot of my iris.

When I helped move my neighbor's entire iris bed to a new location, I brought some samples home with me.  This is one of them. I am betting it will be in full bloom by this afternoon.

Looking down on it the camera shows it is about to be opened. I do remember that my neighbor did have this color of hybrid iris. I haven't checked to see if any of her iris bloomed this year.  Earlier this spring I noticed everything transplanted was very much alive and well.

I am an eighth grade English and literature teacher today.  It was a last minute assignment I picked up because of family illness.  I am suppose to teach in here again on Thursday because her daughter is graduating this year.

I was actually hoping to be home today.  I had a half day off yesterday and I did get a lot of things done outside.  I have my first 6 tomato plants in the ground now and half of my yard has been mowed. The sun is shining again today so maybe I can finish mowing today after school.  I can feel today the muscles strained from the spading up of the soil for tomatoes yesterday.   I have the plants in more full sun than usual and will hope that it makes a big difference.

I have a lot more space for plants but think I will consider only 6 more to be planted.  I have the steak tomatoes and the roma tomatoes.  When I was a kid I remember when the older distant relatives  were growing romas and it was a novel thing.  They were called catsup tomatoes back then 45 years ago. John and Iva thought them to be a new adventure as the seed wasn't on the market up until then. They were use to planting the traditional tomato and yellow tomatoes.

It is Tuesday and it seems like I have already had a busy week.  I know that I will make it as there are only eight more days of school left, not counting weekends.  I wish everyone to be well and thank you for stopping in today.


  1. Pretty flowers- I do love that deep cranberry color. My grands are all excited that school is about to be let out for the summer.

  2. Still pretty irises. I got my tomatoes planted right before it cooled off again. They're fine just on hold for warmer days to grow.

  3. I watch for when your Fernleaf Peony blooms now, 'cause it seems to be about two weeks ahead of us. Ours is still in bud.

  4. Your flowers are so pretty. A neighbor has a group of flag iris at their mail box and I just love them.

    We had very strong wind last week. It blew a neighbor's tall pine tree across our back yard; thankfully no damage just a lot of clean up for us.
